
The VehicleState class holds a vehicle’s Stoplist. It exposes two methods:


fast-forwards the state to a new point in time.


computes the cost for serving a TransportationRequest with this vehicle.

class VehicleState(*, vehicle_id, initial_stoplist, space, dispatcher, seat_capacity)[source]

Single vehicle insertion logic is implemented here. Can optionally be implemented in Cython or another compiled language.

  • vehicle_id – id of the vehicle to be created.

  • initial_stoplist (Stoplist) – stoplist to start out with, MUST contain CPE as first element.

  • space (TransportSpace)

  • dispatcher (Dispatcher) – see the docstring of FleetState.

  • seat_capacity (int) –

    the maximum number of TransportationRequest s

    that can be in a vehicle at the same time.

stoplist: List[Stop]

The list of Stop objects specifying the planned future actions to be undertaken by this vehicle.


Update the vehicle_state to the simulator time t.


t (float) – time to be updated to.


  • events – List of stop events emitted through servicing stops upto time=t

  • new_stoplist – Stoplist remaining after servicing the stops upto time=t

Return type:

Tuple[List[], List[Stop]]


The computational bottleneck. An efficient simulator could do the following:

  1. Parallelize this over all vehicles. This function being without any side effects, it should be easy to do.

  2. Implement as a c extension. The args and the return value are all basic c data types, so this should also be easy.


request (TransportationRequest) – Request to be handled.


The SingleVehicleSolution for the respective vehicle.

Return type:
