Package util
The module contains some utility functions and classes.
The dispatchers
The spaces
- class Euclidean(n_dim=1, coord_range=None, velocity=1)[source]
n-dimensional Euclidean space with constant velocity.
Initialize n-dimensional Euclidean space with constant velocity.
- Parameters:
- class Manhattan2D(coord_range=None, velocity=1)[source]
\(\mathbb{R}^2\) with \(L_1\)-induced metric (Manhattan).
- class Graph(vertices, edges, weights=None, velocity=1)[source]
A location is identified with a one-dimensional coordinate, namely the node index.
Weighted undirected graph with integer vertex labels
- Parameters:
weights (None | float | Sequence[float]) – Edge weights. - if None is supplied, the resulting graph is unweighted (unit edge length) - if a single float is supplied, every edge length will be equal to this number - if a sequence is supplied, this will be mapped onto the edge sequence
velocity (float) – constant velocity to compute travel time, optional.
- static _make_attribute_distance(G, attribute_name)[source]
Set the distance attribute on the edges of the graph inplace.
- Parameters:
G – The graph to modify
attribute_name (str | None) – The name of the attribute to use as distance. If None, the distance will be set to 1 for each edge.
- classmethod from_nx(G, velocity=1, make_attribute_distance='distance')[source]
Create a graph space from NetworkX graph.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
graph space instance
The request generators
- class RandomRequestGenerator(*, space, rate=1, seed=42, pickup_timewindow_offset=0, request_class=<class 'ridepy.data_structures.TransportationRequest'>, max_pickup_delay=inf, max_delivery_delay_abs=inf, max_delivery_delay_rel=inf)[source]
Generates random requests in the chosen transport space with a certain rate. The timewindows for the request are configurable.
- Note:
- The pickup and dropoff timewindows are calculated as follows:
request_pickup_time < request.creation_timestamp + max_pickup_delay
request_delivery_time < request.creation_timestamp + direct_travel_time + max_delivery_delay_abs
request_delivery_time < request.creation_timestamp + direct_travel_time*(1+max_delivery_delay_rel)
- Parameters:
space (TransportSpace) – the TransportSpace in which the requests will be generated.
rate – the rate of requests per time unit
seed – the random seed
request_class – the generated requests will be instances of this class. Needed to generate pythonic or cythonic requests at will.
pickup_timewindow_offset – Each request’s pickup_timewindow_min will be this much from the creation timestamp.
max_pickup_delay (float) – The maximum delay between the request creation timestamp and the pickup time.
max_delivery_delay_abs (float) – The maximum absolute delay between the request creation timestamp and the delivery time.
max_delivery_delay_rel (float) – The maximum delay between the request creation timestamp and the delivery time relative to the direct actual direct travel time. Example: if the direct travel time is 10 minutes and
is 0.5, the delivery time will be at most 15 minutes after request creation. I.e., delta_max = 1 + max_delivery_delay_rel.
The analytics package
- get_stops_and_requests(*, events, space)[source]
Prepare two DataFrames, containing stops and requests.
# NOTE: This assumes occupancy delta of +1/-1, i.e. only single-customer requests. # If the simulator should allow for multi-customer requests in the future, # this must be changed. # See also [issue #45](
DataFrame returned has the following schema:Column Dtype ------ ----- vehicle_id float64 stop_id int64 timestamp float64 delta_occupancy float64 request_id int64 state_duration float64 occupancy float64 location object dist_to_next float64 time_to_next float64 timestamp_submitted float64 insertion_index float64 leg_1_dist_service_time float64 leg_2_dist_service_time float64 leg_direct_dist_service_time float64 detour_dist_service_time float64 leg_1_dist_submission_time float64 leg_2_dist_submission_time float64 leg_direct_dist_submission_time float64 detour_dist_submission_time float64 stoplist_length_submission_time float64 stoplist_length_service_time float64 avg_segment_dist_submission_time float64 avg_segment_time_submission_time float64 avg_segment_dist_service_time float64 avg_segment_time_service_time float64 system_stoplist_length_submission_time float64 system_stoplist_length_service_time float64 avg_system_segment_dist_submission_time float64 avg_system_segment_time_submission_time float64 avg_system_segment_dist_service_time float64 avg_system_segment_time_service_time float64 relative_insertion_position float6
DataFrame returned has the following schema:Column Dtype ------ ----- (submitted, timestamp) float64 (submitted, origin) Union[float64, int, Tuple[float64]] (submitted, destination) Union[float64, int, Tuple[float64]] (submitted, pickup_timewindow_min) float64 (submitted, pickup_timewindow_max) float64 (submitted, delivery_timewindow_min) float64 (submitted, delivery_timewindow_max) float64 (submitted, direct_travel_distance) float64 (submitted, direct_travel_time) float64 (accepted, timestamp) float64 (accepted, origin) Union[float64, int, Tuple[float64]] (accepted, destination) Union[float64, int, Tuple[float64]] (accepted, pickup_timewindow_min) float64 (accepted, pickup_timewindow_max) float64 (accepted, delivery_timewindow_min) float64 (accepted, delivery_timewindow_max) float64 (rejected, timestamp) float64 (inferred, relative_travel_time) float64 (inferred, travel_time) float64 (inferred, waiting_time) float64 (serviced, timestamp_dropoff) float64 (serviced, timestamp_pickup) float64 (serviced, vehicle_id) float64
- Parameters:
events (List[dict]) – list of all the events returned by the simulation
space (TransportSpace) – transportation space that was used for the simulations
- Returns:
stops – dataframe indexed by
[vehicle_id, timestamp]
containing all stopsrequests – dataframe indexed by
containing all requests
- Return type:
tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]
- get_stops_and_requests_from_events_dataframe(*, events_df, space)[source]
Prepare stops and requests dataframes from an events dataframe. For details on the returned dataframes see doc on outside-facing
.- Parameters:
events_df (DataFrame) – DataFrame indexed
space (TransportSpace)
- Returns:
stops – dataframe indexed by
[vehicle_id, timestamp]
containing all stopsrequests – dataframe indexed by
containing all requests
- Return type:
tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]
- get_vehicle_quantities(stops, requests)[source]
Compute various quantities aggregated per vehicle.
Currently, the following observables are returned:
- Parameters:
stops (DataFrame) – Stops dataframe
requests (DataFrame) – Requests dataframe
- Returns:
containing the aforementioned observables as columns, indexed byvehicle_id
- Return type:
- get_system_quantities(stops, requests, params=None)[source]
Compute various quantities aggregated for the entire simulation.
Currently, the following observables are returned (quantities in parentheses may not be returned if
is not given/stops
does not contain the respective quantities):(n_vehicles) – number of vehicles (simulation parameter)
(request_rate) – request rate (simulation parameter)
(velocity) – vehicle velocity (simulation parameter)
(load_requested) – load requested (derived from request rate, velocity, and number of vehicles as input parameters and the spaces’ average distance)
(load_serviced) – load requested (derived from request rate times (1-rejection ratio), velocity, and number of vehicles as input parameters and the spaces’ average distance)
(avg_direct_dist_space) – average direct distance in space, computed by taking 1e5 random samples
median_stoplist_length – median per-vehicle stoplist length, taken over all “stoplist states” (vehicles x time)
median_stoplist_length – median per-vehicle stoplist length, taken over all “stoplist states” (vehicles x time)
mean_system_stoplist_length – arithmetic mean system-wide stoplist length, taken over all “stoplist states” (time)
mean_system_stoplist_length – arithmetic mean system-wide stoplist length, taken over all “stoplist states” (time)
- Parameters:
- Returns:
system_quantities – dict containing the aforementioned observables
- Return type: