
RidePy lets a user specify a FleetState of \(n\) vehicles with desired passenger capacities, as well as an iterator of TransportationRequest objects, each containing:

  • request_id

  • creation_timestamp

  • origin

  • destination

  • pickup_timewindow_min

  • pickup_timewindow_max

  • delivery_timewindow_min

  • delivery_timewindow_max

The request iterator must yield requests in increasing order of creation_timestamp.

Calling FleetState.simulate() then executes the simulation, which outputs a sequence of Event objects (add link here), from which the user can compute various metrics, optionally using the module.

The stoplist

FleetState contains a dictionary fleet, which maps a vehicle_id to a VehicleState. A VehicleState, in turn holds the future trajectory of the vehicle in the form of a Stoplist: a list of Stop objects containing:

  • location,

  • request to be serviced,

  • action: one of pickup, dropoff or internal,

  • estimated_arrival_time,

  • occupancy_after_servicing,

  • time_window_min,

  • time_window_max.

Therefore, a Stoplist contains all the information on where the vehicle will go and what it will do in the future (if the stoplist does not change in the meantime, by e.g. a dispatcher inserting a new TransportationRequest s pickup and dropoff in it).

The CPE Stop

The first element of any vehicle’s Stoplist is a Stop object that is called the “CPE stop” (current position element), signifying the immediate position of the vehicle. It is not associated with any TransportationRequest. The estimated_arrival_time of this stop defines the time at which the vehicle is at the CPEs location. This is always roughly the current location and time, though it might be immediate past (before it has been updated to the current state) or immediate future (when the vehicle is in between two adjacent nodes on a graph, see TransportSpace.interp_time).

The Simulation run: advancing the internal clock

When a FleetState is created, an internal “clock” is started at time \(t= 0\). When the simulation is run,

  1. The next request r is fetched from the request iterator.

  2. The simulator’s internal clock is advanced to the creation_timestamp of r. For each vehicle

    • All the stops whose estimated_arrival_time is less than the current timestamp is removed. For each of these stops an appropriate PickupEvent or DeliveryEvent is emitted.

    • Based on its Stoplist, its “current” position is inferred, and the location and estimated_arrival_time of its CPE stop are modified accordingly.

  3. The vehicle that is “best suited” for transporting r is determined by the dispatcher, and two new stops are inserted into its Stoplist: the pickup and dropoff of r. We describe below how this choice is made. A RequestAcceptanceEvent is emitted. If no such vehicle is found, a RequestRejectionEvent is emitted instead.

  4. The previous steps are repeated until either the request iterator is exhausted or a time cutoff is reached.

The dispatcher

The dispatcher determines which vehicle should service a certain request, and in which order it should service the requests assigned to it. ridepy defines a clean interface enabling the users to create their own dispatchers. A number of predefined ones are available in`.util.dispatchers`.

When a new TransportationRequest needs to be processed:

  1. The dispatcher is called for each vehicle, which can be thought of as the mapping (new_request, stoplist) (cost, new_stoplist). It

  • Checks if the pickup and dropoff of r can be inserted to the vehicle’s Stoplist without violating

    • The new request’s pickup_timewindow_min|max and delivery_timewindow_min|max.

    • The time_window_min|max of every existing stop in the stoplist of the vehicle.

    • The capacity contraints of the vehicle.

    • The implicit constraint of inserting Pickup, with regards to order, before Dropoff

  • There can be multiple possible insertions that do not violate any of these constraints. The dispatcher computes a numerical cost for each possible insertion and chooses the insertion with the least cost. One such cost could be the total detour caused by an insertion, for example.

  • If no insertion is found for a vehicle, the dispatcher returns a cost of \(\infty\).

  1. If more than one vehicle can service the request, then the one with minimum cost is chosen. That is, its Stoplist is changed to the new_stoplist returned by the dispatcher.

The dispatcher is solely responsible for keeping the stoplist in a internally valid state, as the one with minimal cost substitutes the original one for the respective vehicle. Constraints are not checked again elsewhere. This incorporates in particular estimated arrival times which are constrained by the travel time on the transport space.

The Transport Space

The transport space defines the space that stops and requests live on. This has primarily three implications:

  1. It defines the coordinates used for specifying locations. This can e.g. be an integer number for graph vertices, or a pair of floats for a continuous two-dimensional space.

  2. The first key function that the TransportSpace provides is a metric \(T\times T\rightarrow\mathbb R, (u,v)\mapsto d(u,v)`\) which yields the distance between locations. In addition, the same is provided for the travel time, which takes the velocity at which the vehicle moves into account.

  3. The second function is interp_dist(u,v, time_to_dest), and respectively interp_time. This interpolates a location on the space on the route between two points u and v, with the know remaining time time_to_dest. This is used to determine the current location of the vehicle when it is known that the vehicle is on the way to v, having started at u, and with remaining time_to_dest = next_stop.estimated_arrival_time - current_time.