Source code for ridepy.extras.spaces

import networkx as nx
from typing import Tuple

[docs] def make_nx_grid( dim: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3), periodic: bool = False, edge_distance: float = 1, ) -> nx.Graph: """ Return a lattice `nx.Graph` Use in conjunction with `spaces.Graph` or `spaces_cython.Graph` like .. code-block:: python Graph.from_nx(make_nx_grid()) Parameters ---------- dim dimensions of the graph: (n, k) for n x k vertices periodic periodic boundaries edge_distance edge weight Returns ------- graph """ graph = nx.grid_graph(dim=dim, periodic=periodic) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, edge_distance, "distance") graph = nx.relabel.convert_node_labels_to_integers( graph, label_attribute="location" ) return graph
[docs] def make_nx_cycle_graph(order: int = 10, edge_distance: float = 1) -> nx.Graph: """ Return a cyclic `nx.Graph` Use in conjunction with `spaces.Graph` or `spaces_cython.Graph` like .. code-block:: python Graph.from_nx(make_nx_cycle_graph()) Parameters ---------- order number of vertices to generate edge_distance edge weight Returns ------- graph """ graph = nx.generators.classic.cycle_graph(n=order) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, edge_distance, "distance") return graph
[docs] def make_nx_star_graph(order: int = 10, edge_distance: float = 1) -> nx.Graph: """ Return a cyclic `nx.Graph` Use in conjunction with `spaces.Graph` or `spaces_cython.Graph` like .. code-block:: python Graph.from_nx(make_nx_star_graph()) Parameters ---------- order number of vertices to generate in total (this includes the center node, which will have index 0) edge_distance edge weight Returns ------- graph """ graph = nx.generators.classic.star_graph(n=order - 1) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, edge_distance, "distance") return graph