Source code for ridepy.extras.simulation_set

import logging
import os
import warnings
import json

import loky
from time import time

import operator as op
import functools as ft
import itertools as it
import pandas as pd

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (
from pathlib import Path

from ridepy.util import make_sim_id
from import (
from ridepy.util.dispatchers import BruteForceTotalTravelTimeMinimizingDispatcher
from ridepy.util.dispatchers_cython import (
    BruteForceTotalTravelTimeMinimizingDispatcher as CyBruteForceTotalTravelTimeMinimizingDispatcher,
from ridepy.util.spaces import Euclidean2D
from ridepy.util.spaces_cython import Euclidean2D as CyEuclidean2D
from ridepy.util.request_generators import RandomRequestGenerator
from ridepy.data_structures import (
from ridepy.data_structures_cython import (
    TransportationRequest as CyTransportationRequest,
from ridepy.vehicle_state import VehicleState
from ridepy.vehicle_state_cython import VehicleState as CyVehicleState
from ridepy.fleet_state import SlowSimpleFleetState
from import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def make_file_path(sim_id: str, directory: Path, suffix: str) -> Path:
    return directory / f"{sim_id}{suffix}"

def get_params(
    directory: Path, sim_id: str, param_path_suffix: str = "_params.json"
) -> dict:
    return read_params_json(make_file_path(sim_id, directory, param_path_suffix))

def perform_single_analysis(
    sim_id: str,
    data_dir: Path,
    tasks_if_not_existent: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    tasks_if_existent: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    param_path_suffix: str = "_params.json",
    event_path_suffix: str = ".jsonl",
    stops_path_suffix: str = "_stops.pq",
    requests_path_suffix: str = "_requests.pq",
    vehicle_quantities_path_suffix: str = "_vehicle_quantities.pq",
) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]:
    Compute stops, requests, vehicle quantities, and system quantities from
    simulation events.

        Simulation ID
        Directory from which to read the events and to which to write the resulting
        parquet output files
        Collection of tasks to perform if the respective output files do not exist.
        Valid entries are 'stops', 'requests', 'vehicle_quantities', and
        'system_quantities'. If None, everything is computed if not existent.
        Collection of tasks to perform even if the respective output files do exist,
        i.e. tasks to recompute. Valid entries are 'stops', 'requests',
        'vehicle_quantities', and 'system_quantities'. If None, nothing is recomputed.
        Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the JSON parameter
        Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the JSONL
        event file.
        Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the parquet
        stops file.
        Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the parquet
        requests file.
        Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the \
        parquet vehicle quantities file.

        Simulation ID
        Dictionary containing the computed system quantities as entries
    stops_path = make_file_path(sim_id, data_dir, stops_path_suffix)
    requests_path = make_file_path(sim_id, data_dir, requests_path_suffix)
    vehicle_quantities_path = make_file_path(
        sim_id, data_dir, vehicle_quantities_path_suffix

    tasks = set()

    tasks_if_not_existent = tasks_if_not_existent or {
    tasks_if_existent = tasks_if_existent or set()

    if "stops" in tasks_if_not_existent and not stops_path.exists():
    if "requests" in tasks_if_not_existent and not requests_path.exists():
    if (
        "vehicle_quantities" in tasks_if_not_existent
        and not vehicle_quantities_path.exists()
    if "system_quantities" in tasks_if_not_existent:

    tasks |= tasks_if_existent

    system_quantities = {}
    if tasks:
        params = get_params(data_dir, sim_id, param_path_suffix=param_path_suffix)
        space = params["general"]["space"]

        if "stops" in tasks or "requests" in tasks:
            stops, requests = get_stops_and_requests_from_events_dataframe(
                    make_file_path(sim_id, data_dir, event_path_suffix), lines=True
            stops = pd.read_parquet(stops_path)
            requests = pd.read_parquet(requests_path)

        if "vehicle_quantities" in tasks:
            vehicle_quantities = get_vehicle_quantities(stops, requests)

        if "system_quantities" in tasks:
            system_quantities = get_system_quantities(stops, requests, params)

        if "stops" in tasks:
            if space.n_dim > 1:
                stops["location"] = stops[~stops["location"].isna()]["location"].map(

        if "requests" in tasks:
            if space.n_dim > 1:
                if ("submitted", "origin") in requests:
                    requests["submitted", "origin"] = requests[
                        ~requests["submitted", "origin"].isna()
                    ]["submitted", "origin"].map(list)

                if ("accepted", "origin") in requests:
                    requests["accepted", "origin"] = requests[
                        ~requests["accepted", "origin"].isna()
                    ]["accepted", "origin"].map(list)

                if ("submitted", "destination") in requests:
                    requests["submitted", "destination"] = requests[
                        ~requests["submitted", "destination"].isna()
                    ]["submitted", "destination"].map(list)

                if ("accepted", "destination") in requests:
                    requests["accepted", "destination"] = requests[
                        ~requests["accepted", "destination"].isna()
                    ]["accepted", "destination"].map(list)


    return sim_id, system_quantities

[docs] def perform_single_simulation( params: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], *, data_dir: Path, jsonl_chunksize: int = 1000, debug: bool = False, event_path_suffix: str = ".jsonl", param_path_suffix: str = "_params.json", info_path_suffix: str = "_info.json", dry_run: bool = False, info: bool = False, info_contents: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> str: """ Execute a single simulation run based on a parameter dictionary and save parameters and result events to disk. Parameters ---------- params Parameter dictionary to base the simulation on. Must contain the following keys: - ``general`` - either ``n_reqs`` or ``t_cutoff`` - ``seat_capacity`` - (``initial_location`` and ``n_vehicles``) or ``initial_locations`` - ``space`` - ``transportation_request_cls`` - ``vehicle_state_cls`` - ``fleet_state_cls`` - ``request_generator`` - ``request_generator_cls`` - ``dispatcher`` - ``dispatcher_cls`` - ... data_dir Existing directory in which to store parameters and events. jsonl_chunksize Number of simulation events to keep in memory before writing them to disk at once. debug Print debug info to stdout. param_path_suffix Parameters will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><suffix>" event_path_suffix Simulation events will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><event_path_suffix>" dry_run If True, do not actually simulate. Just pretend to and return the corresponding ID. info Info/benchmark mode. If true, record the time it took to run the simulation run in a separate info file. info_contents Additional contents to write to the info file. Returns ------- simulation ID """ # we need a pseudorandom id that does not change if this function is called with the same params # the following does not guarantee a lack of collisions, and will fail if non-ascii characters are involved. tick = time() params_json = create_params_json(params=params) sim_id = make_sim_id(params_json) event_path = data_dir / f"{sim_id}{event_path_suffix}" param_path = data_dir / f"{sim_id}{param_path_suffix}" info_path = data_dir / f"{sim_id}{info_path_suffix}" if ( param_path.exists() and (params_json_ := param_path.read_text()) and params_json_[-1] == "}" ): # assume that a previous simulation run already exists. this works because we write # to param_path *after* a successful simulation run. f"Pre-existing param json exists for {params_json=} at {param_path=}, skipping simulation" ) return sim_id else: f"No pre-existing param json exists for {params_json=} at {param_path=}, running simulation" ) if event_path.exists(): f"Potentially incomplete simulation data exists at {event_path=}, this will be overwritten" ) event_path.unlink() space = params["general"]["space"] request_generator_cls = params["request_generator"].pop("request_generator_cls") rg = request_generator_cls( space=space, request_class=params["general"]["transportation_request_cls"], **params["request_generator"], ) dispatcher = params["dispatcher"].pop("dispatcher_cls") if ( params["general"].get("n_vehicles") is not None and params["general"].get("initial_location") is not None and params["general"].get("initial_locations") is None ): initial_locations = { vehicle_id: params["general"]["initial_location"] for vehicle_id in range(params["general"]["n_vehicles"]) } elif ( params["general"].get("n_vehicles") is None and params["general"].get("initial_location") is None and params["general"].get("initial_locations") is not None ): initial_locations = params["general"]["initial_locations"] else: raise ValueError( "Must *either* specify `n_vehicles` *and* `initial_location` *or* `initial_locations`" ) fs = params["general"]["fleet_state_cls"]( initial_locations=initial_locations, space=space, dispatcher=dispatcher(loc_type=space.loc_type, **params["dispatcher"]), seat_capacities=params["general"]["seat_capacity"], vehicle_state_class=params["general"]["vehicle_state_cls"], ) # NOTE: this string is matched for testing if debug: print(f"Simulating run on process {os.getpid()} @ \n{params!r}\n") if not dry_run: if ( params["general"]["n_reqs"] is not None and params["general"]["t_cutoff"] is None ): simulation = fs.simulate(it.islice(rg, params["general"]["n_reqs"])) elif ( params["general"]["n_reqs"] is None and params["general"]["t_cutoff"] is not None ): simulation = fs.simulate(rg, t_cutoff=params["general"]["t_cutoff"]) else: raise ValueError("Must *either* specify `n_reqs` *or* `t_cutoff`") simulation_start_time = time() while chunk := list(it.islice(simulation, jsonl_chunksize)): save_events_json(jsonl_path=event_path, events=chunk) simulation_end_time = time() if info: simulation_duration = simulation_end_time - simulation_start_time with"w") as f: info = { "simulation_duration": simulation_duration, "jsonl_chunksize": jsonl_chunksize, } | (info_contents or {}) f.write(create_info_json(info)) with open(str(param_path), "w") as f: f.write(params_json) tock = time() if debug: print(f"Simulation run on process {os.getpid()} took {tock-tick} seconds\n") return sim_id
def simulate_parameter_combinations( *, param_combinations: Iterator[dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[Any]]]], data_dir: Union[str, Path], debug: bool = False, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, process_chunksize: int = 1, jsonl_chunksize: int = 1000, event_path_suffix: str = ".jsonl", param_path_suffix: str = "_params.json", dry_run: bool = False, info: bool = False, ): """ Run simulations for different parameter combinations using multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- param_combinations An iterable of parameter configurations. For more detail see :ref:`Executing Simulations` data_dir Directory in which to store the parameters and events. debug Print debug info. max_workers Maximum number of multiprocessing workers. Defaults to number of processors on the machine if `None` or not given. process_chunksize Number of simulations to submit to each multiprocessing worker at a time. jsonl_chunksize Maximum number of events to keep in memory before saving to disk param_path_suffix Parameters will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><suffix>" event_path_suffix Simulation events will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><event_path_suffix>" dry_run If True, do not actually simulate. Just pretend to and return the corresponding IDs. info Info/benchmark mode. If true, record the time it took to run each simulation run. Returns ------- List of simulation IDs. See the docstring of `.SimulationSet` for more detail. """ with loky.get_reusable_executor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: sim_ids = list( ft.partial( perform_single_simulation, debug=debug, jsonl_chunksize=jsonl_chunksize, data_dir=data_dir, param_path_suffix=param_path_suffix, event_path_suffix=event_path_suffix, dry_run=dry_run, info=info, info_contents={ "process_chunksize": process_chunksize, "max_workers": max_workers, }, ), param_combinations, chunksize=process_chunksize, ) ) return sim_ids
[docs] class SimulationSet: """ A set of simulations. The parameter space is defined through constant `base_params`, zipped `zip_params` and cartesian product `product_params`. A set of a single simulation is also allowed. Through ``, configurable multiprocessing is implemented, allowing for parallelization of simulation runs at different parameters. """ @staticmethod def _two_level_dict_update( base_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], update_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] ) -> dict: """ Update two-level nested dictionary with deepcopying, where `update_dict` overwrites entries in `base_dict`. Example ------- .. code-block:: python SimulationSet._two_level_dict_update( {"a": {"b": 5, 6: 8}}, {"a": {6: "fooo", 8: "baaar"}, "baz": {"6": 6}} ) yields .. code-block:: python {"a": {"b": 5, 6: "fooo", 8: "baaar"}, "baz": {"6": 6}} Parameters ---------- base_dict two-level nested dict to update update_dict two-level nested dict which overwrites entries in base_dict Returns ------- updated deepcopy of base_dict """ d = deepcopy(base_dict) # This sorted is needed otherwise detection of pre existing simulation run does not work. for outer_key in sorted(set(base_dict) | set(update_dict)): d[outer_key] = base_dict.get(outer_key, {}) | update_dict.get(outer_key, {}) return d @staticmethod def _zip_params_equal_length( zip_params: dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[Any]]] ) -> bool: """ Evaluate whether the sequences in the inner dict are of equal length. Parameters ---------- zip_params Returns ------- True if sequences are of equal length, False otherwise """ if zip_params: g = it.groupby( len(inner_value) for inner_dict in zip_params.values() for inner_value in inner_dict.values() ) return next(g, True) and not next(g, False) else: return True @property def data_dir(self) -> Path: """ Get directory in which to store the parameters and events. """ return self._data_dir @data_dir.setter def data_dir(self, data_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Set directory in which to store the parameters and events. Will be created if not existent. """ data_dir = Path(data_dir) data_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self._data_dir = data_dir def __init__( self, *, data_dir: Union[str, Path], base_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None, zip_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[Any]]]] = None, product_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[Any]]]] = None, cython: bool = True, debug: bool = False, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, process_chunksize: int = 1, jsonl_chunksize: int = 1000, event_path_suffix: str = ".jsonl", param_path_suffix: str = "_params.json", validate: bool = True, comment: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- data_dir Directory in which to store the parameters and events. base_params Dictionary setting parameters that are kept constant throughout the simulation set, optional. zip_params Dictionary setting parameters that are varied together throughout the simulation set, optional. The values for each inner dict should be lists that all match in lengths. product_params Dictionary setting parameters of which the cartesian product (i.e. all possible combinations of the supplied parameters) is created and varied throughout the simulation set, optional. cython Use cython. debug Print debug info. max_workers Maximum number of multiprocessing workers. Defaults to number of processors on the machine if `None` or not given. process_chunksize Number of simulations to submit to each multiprocessing worker at a time. jsonl_chunksize Maximum number of events to keep in memory before saving to disk param_path_suffix Parameters will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><suffix>" event_path_suffix Simulation events will be stored under "data_dir/<simulation_id><event_path_suffix>" validate Check validity of the supplied dictionary (unknown outer and inner keys, equal length for ``zip_params``) name Optional, filename-safe name. comment Optional human-readable comment. """ self.debug = debug self.max_workers = max_workers self.process_chunksize = process_chunksize self.jsonl_chunksize = jsonl_chunksize self.data_dir = Path(data_dir) = name self.comment = comment self._event_path_suffix = event_path_suffix self._param_path_suffix = param_path_suffix if cython: space_obj = CyEuclidean2D() dispatcher = CyBruteForceTotalTravelTimeMinimizingDispatcher transportation_request_cls = CyTransportationRequest vehicle_state_cls = CyVehicleState else: space_obj = Euclidean2D() dispatcher = BruteForceTotalTravelTimeMinimizingDispatcher transportation_request_cls = TransportationRequest vehicle_state_cls = VehicleState self.default_base_params = dict( general=dict( n_reqs=100, t_cutoff=None, space=space_obj, n_vehicles=10, initial_location=(0, 0), initial_locations=None, seat_capacity=8, transportation_request_cls=transportation_request_cls, vehicle_state_cls=vehicle_state_cls, fleet_state_cls=SlowSimpleFleetState, ), dispatcher=dict(dispatcher_cls=dispatcher), request_generator=dict( request_generator_cls=RandomRequestGenerator, rate=1, ), ) base_params = base_params if base_params is not None else {} zip_params = zip_params if zip_params is not None else {} product_params = product_params if product_params is not None else {} if validate: # assert no unknown outer keys assert not (set(base_params) | set(zip_params) | set(product_params)) - ( set(self.default_base_params) | {"analytics"} ), "invalid outer key" # assert no unknown inner keys for outer_key in set(self.default_base_params) - { "request_generator", "dispatcher", }: assert not ( set(base_params.get(outer_key, {})) | set(zip_params.get(outer_key, {})) | set(product_params.get(outer_key, {})) ) - set( self.default_base_params[outer_key] ), f"invalid inner key for {outer_key=}" # assert equal length of zipped parameters assert self._zip_params_equal_length( zip_params ), "zipped parameters must be of equal length" self._base_params = self._two_level_dict_update( self.default_base_params, base_params ) self._zip_params = zip_params self._product_params = product_params self._simulation_ids = None self._system_quantities_path = None @property def simulation_ids(self) -> list[str]: """ Get simulation IDs. """ # protect simulation ids return self._simulation_ids if self._simulation_ids is not None else [] @property def param_paths(self) -> list[Path]: """ Get list of JSON parameter files. """ return [ self.data_dir / f"{simulation_id}{self._param_path_suffix}" for simulation_id in self.simulation_ids ] @property def event_paths(self) -> list[Path]: """ Get list of resulting output event JSON Lines file paths. """ return [ self.data_dir / f"{simulation_id}{self._event_path_suffix}" for simulation_id in self.simulation_ids ] @staticmethod def _make_joined_key_pairs_values( *, params: dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[Any]]], join_fn: Callable ) -> tuple[Iterable[tuple[str, str]], Iterable[Iterable[Any]]]: """ Parameters ---------- params Parameter dictionary containing sequences as inner values. join_fn e.g. `zip` or `itertools.product` Returns ------- joined_key_pairs, joined_values_iter """ if params: joined_values_iter = join_fn( *( params[outer_key][inner_key] for outer_key in params.keys() for inner_key in params[outer_key].keys() ) ) joined_key_pairs = [ (outer_key, inner_key) for outer_key in params.keys() for inner_key in params[outer_key].keys() ] else: joined_values_iter = joined_key_pairs = [tuple()] return joined_key_pairs, joined_values_iter def __iter__(self): zipped_key_pairs, zipped_values_iter = self._make_joined_key_pairs_values( params=self._zip_params, join_fn=zip ) ( multiplied_key_pairs, multiplied_values_iter, ) = self._make_joined_key_pairs_values( params=self._product_params, join_fn=it.product ) def param_combinations() -> Iterator[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]]: """ Generator yielding complete parameter sets which can be supplied to `perform_single_simulation`. """ for zipped_params, multiplied_params in it.product( zipped_values_iter, multiplied_values_iter ): d = defaultdict(dict) for (outer_key, inner_key), value in zip( zipped_key_pairs, zipped_params ): d[outer_key][inner_key] = value for (outer_key, inner_key), value in zip( multiplied_key_pairs, multiplied_params ): d[outer_key][inner_key] = value yield self._two_level_dict_update(self._base_params, d) self._param_combinations = param_combinations() return self def __next__(self): return next(self._param_combinations)
[docs] def run(self, dry_run: bool = False, info: bool = False): """ Run the simulations configured through `base_params`, `zip_params` and `product_params` using multiprocessing. The parameters and resulting output events are written to disk in JSON/JSON Lines format. For more detail see :ref:`Executing Simulations`. Access simulations results - by id: `SimulationSet.simulation_ids` - by parameter file `SimulationSet.param_paths` - by event file `SimulationSet.event_paths` Parameters ---------- dry_run If True, do not actually simulate. info Info/benchmark mode. If true, record the time it took to run each simulation run. """ self._simulation_ids = simulate_parameter_combinations( param_combinations=iter(self), data_dir=self.data_dir, debug=self.debug, max_workers=self.max_workers, process_chunksize=self.process_chunksize, jsonl_chunksize=self.jsonl_chunksize, event_path_suffix=self._event_path_suffix, param_path_suffix=self._param_path_suffix, dry_run=dry_run, info=info, )
def __len__(self) -> int: """ Number of simulations performed when calling ``. """ len_ = 1 if self._zip_params: len_ *= len(next(iter(next(iter(self._zip_params.values())).values()))) if self._product_params: len_ *= ft.reduce( op.mul, ( len(inner_value) for inner_dict in self._product_params.values() for inner_value in inner_dict.values() ), ) if not (self._zip_params or self._product_params): len_ = 0 return len_
[docs] def run_analytics( self, only_stops_and_requests: bool = False, update_existing: Union[bool, list[str]] = False, check_for_changes: bool = True, stops_path_suffix: str = "_stops.pq", requests_path_suffix: str = "_requests.pq", vehicle_quantities_path_suffix: str = "_vehicle_quantities.pq", system_quantities_filename: str = "system_quantities.pq", ) -> None: """ Compute analytics from simulation events and store them to disk in parquet format. Parameters ---------- only_stops_and_requests Only compute stops and requests, not vehicle and system quantities. update_existing Recompute existing outputs. If a list is given, only recompute the list entries. Valid list items are 'system_quantities', 'vehicle_quantities', 'stops', and 'requests'. check_for_changes If True, only update system quantities if simulation ids have changed. If False, do update system quantities in any case. stops_path_suffix Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the parquet stops file. requests_path_suffix Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the parquet requests file. vehicle_quantities_path_suffix Appending this suffix to the simulation ID yields the path to the parquet vehicle quantities file. system_quantities_filename Filename of the parquet file to store the system quantities in. """ self._system_quantities_path = self.data_dir / system_quantities_filename if not self.simulation_ids: warnings.warn( "no simulations have been run (simulation_ids empty)", UserWarning ) else: # In any case, stops and requests have to be computed if they don't exist tasks_if_not_existent = {"stops", "requests"} if not only_stops_and_requests: # Additionally, we are computing vehicle and system quantities, now, # if they don't exist tasks_if_not_existent |= {"vehicle_quantities", "system_quantities"} if isinstance(update_existing, Iterable): # If we have been handed a list of tasks to update, we only update these, # not recomputing tasks that should not have be computed in the first place tasks_if_existent = set(update_existing) & tasks_if_not_existent elif update_existing == True: tasks_if_existent = tasks_if_not_existent elif update_existing == False: tasks_if_existent = set() else: raise ValueError(f"Got invalid value for {update_existing=}") if self._system_quantities_path.exists(): tasks_if_not_existent -= {"system_quantities"} if check_for_changes: # Currently, we only check for changes in the sense that new # simulations with new ids have been performed and are thus missing from # the system quantities output. For vehicle quantities, stops, and requests, # check_for_changes does not apply, as we compute these in any case, should # they be missing. sqdf = pd.read_parquet(self._system_quantities_path) if set(sqdf.index) == set(self.simulation_ids): tasks_if_existent -= {"system_quantities"} del sqdf with loky.get_reusable_executor(max_workers=self.max_workers) as executor: sim_ids, system_quantities = zip( *list( ft.partial( perform_single_analysis, data_dir=self.data_dir, tasks_if_not_existent=tasks_if_not_existent, tasks_if_existent=tasks_if_existent, param_path_suffix=self._param_path_suffix, event_path_suffix=self._event_path_suffix, stops_path_suffix=stops_path_suffix, requests_path_suffix=requests_path_suffix, vehicle_quantities_path_suffix=vehicle_quantities_path_suffix, ), self.simulation_ids, chunksize=self.process_chunksize, ) ) ) if list(sim_ids) != self.simulation_ids: warnings.warn( "Simulation IDs and IDs analytics were computed for do not match. Something's not right.", UserWarning, ) if "system_quantities" in tasks_if_not_existent | tasks_if_existent: system_quantities_df = pd.DataFrame(system_quantities, index=sim_ids) system_quantities_df.rename_axis("simulation_id", inplace=True) system_quantities_df.to_parquet(self._system_quantities_path)
@property def param_path_suffix(self) -> str: """ Get the parameter file suffix. """ return self._param_path_suffix @property def event_path_suffix(self) -> str: """ Get the event file suffix. """ return self._event_path_suffix @property def system_quantities_path(self) -> Path: """ Get path to the parquet file containing the system quantities. Returns ------- system_quantities_path """ if self._system_quantities_path is not None: return self._system_quantities_path else: raise AttributeError("No system quantities path set.") def get_system_quantities( self, extra_params: Optional[Mapping] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return the system quantities, if computed already using `run_analytics`. Optionally, join the system quantities dataframe with additional arbitrary parameters used in the simulation. Parameters ---------- extra_params: Dictionary specifying the desired parameters. The keys are the resulting column names in the returned dataframe, the values are the (nested) keys in the `SimulationSet` params dictionary, joined by ``.``. Example: .. code-block:: python extra_params = {"n": "general.n_reqs"} Returns ------- system_quantities DataFrame containing the system quantities and optional extra parameters """ try: sqdf = pd.read_parquet(self.system_quantities_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"System properties file {self.system_quantities_path} not found." ) if extra_params: for sim_id in sqdf.index: params = get_params( self.data_dir, sim_id, param_path_suffix=self.param_path_suffix ) for param_col, param_key in extra_params.items(): sqdf.loc[sim_id, param_col] = ft.reduce( op.getitem, param_key.split("."), params ) return sqdf def to_json(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Serialize the simulation set configuration to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- path Path to the JSON file. """ with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump( { "data_dir": str(self.data_dir.resolve()), "base_params": self._base_params, "zip_params": self._zip_params, "product_params": self._product_params, "cython": True, "debug": self.debug, "max_workers": self.max_workers, "process_chunksize": self.process_chunksize, "jsonl_chunksize": self.jsonl_chunksize, "event_path_suffix": self._event_path_suffix, "param_path_suffix": self._param_path_suffix, "name":, "comment": self.comment, "_simulation_ids": self._simulation_ids, "_system_quantities_path": self._system_quantities_path, }, f, indent=4, cls=ParamsJSONEncoder, ) @classmethod def from_json(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> "SimulationSet": """ Deserialize the simulation set configuration from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- path Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- SimulationSet """ with open(path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f, cls=ParamsJSONDecoder) _simulation_ids = config.pop("_simulation_ids") _system_quantities_path = config.pop("_system_quantities_path") obj = cls(**config) obj._simulation_ids = _simulation_ids obj._system_quantities_path = _system_quantities_path return obj def __eq__(self, other: "SimulationSet") -> bool: return ( self.data_dir == other.data_dir and self._base_params == other._base_params and self._zip_params == other._zip_params and self._product_params == other._product_params and self.debug == other.debug and self.max_workers == other.max_workers and self.process_chunksize == other.process_chunksize and self.jsonl_chunksize == other.jsonl_chunksize and self._event_path_suffix == other._event_path_suffix and self._param_path_suffix == other._param_path_suffix and self.comment == other.comment )